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Acute Neck Pain – A Guide to Help Your Recovery

December 14, 2023
Acute Neck Pain – A Guide to Help Your Recovery

Acute neck pain is more common than you think. According to research, up to 70% of adults will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. The pain has a sudden onset and can last for more than four weeks. It can be caused by several factors, such as muscle strain, poor posture, a pinched nerve, etc. Most acute neck injuries are not serious and tend to improve over time. However, there are some pains that get worse over time and need acute neck pain treatment. Keep reading to learn more about neck strain treatment and ways to recover.

Physiotherapy for neck pain relief

Physiotherapy is one of the best forms of treatment for neck discomfort. Most neck pain physiotherapy programmes entail using treatments to lessen discomfort and/or stiffness sufficiently to start a neck strengthening and stretching exercise programme. Physiotherapy treatment plans can differ from person to person, as can the precise techniques and exercises performed.

Neck Pain Treatment

Goals of physiotherapy for neck pain

Physiotherapy aims to treat the following:

  • lessen discomfort and stiffness
  • amplify the range of motion in your neck and head
  • Develop the neck’s supporting muscles’ dynamic strengthening
  • Create plans to stop the pain from returning.

Physiotherapy treatment may be crucial in enhancing neck posture and function for daily activities, even if pain cannot be fully removed.

When might physiotherapy be recommended?

Here are reasons why neck pain physiotherapy might be recommended:

Persistent ache:

If neck pain is persistent or recurrent, it may be difficult to identify the exact cause or mechanism. Even in the absence of a diagnosis, neck muscle strengthening might increase the cervical spine’s stability and pain tolerance.

Healing from an injury:

Whiplash is one type of injury that can harm the soft tissues and joints of the neck, causing discomfort and/or stiffness that can last for weeks or even longer. A neck injury treatment regimen can lessen discomfort and assist in restoring the neck’s natural functionality.

Recovering from surgery:

Individuals may experience substantial pain and stiffness following the neck procedures.

Neck pain physio may also be advised in treating other situations, such as as a component of a larger treatment plan for other diseases or chronic ailments.

Neck Pain

Physiotherapy treatment methods

Here are the most popular methods of neck sprain treatment for acute neck pain:

  • Passive physiotherapy:

Physical therapy is a type of treatment that is offered without the active participation of the patient. It involves various treatment options, including heat therapy, cold packs, ultrasound, etc.

  • Active physiotherapy:

It involves the patient moving their own body whilst performing stretches and exercises.

How effective is physiotherapy for acute neck pain?

Numerous studies have investigated the possibility that physical therapy can lessen pain that is caused by the spine, including that in the neck or lower back. The benefits of physical therapy’s function in lowering neck pain and enhancing range of motion are suggested by moderate to strong evidence in the most recent medical literature. When paired with other treatment modalities like aerobic exercise, physical therapy has been shown in certain studies to have even greater therapeutic advantages.


Most people undergoing physiotherapy rapidly respond to treatment and recover soon. Regular activity, a positive attitude, and a prompt return to work are essential elements of recovery. Visit Southgate Physio and attain neck pain relief under the guidance of professional physiotherapists offering self-care measures. Get in touch with the professionals and discuss your concerns to alleviate your symptoms.

If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with us by calling 0208 3686767 or emailing us at

Physiotherapy Services We Offer

Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments that are all recommended and tailored to everyone who comes and visits us. Our range of treatments complements the body and mind, helping to keep you pain and injury-free, delivering preventative measures to maintain your well-being and enhance your performance levels.

Our main aim is to restore your personal well-being so you can enjoy an active, healthy, and pain-free life. Click on any of the services to find out a little more about each treatment and understand if it might be right for you.

Simply Contact Us or give one of our physiotherapists a call on 02083686767 or email us on to book a physiotherapy appointment.

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