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Know More About Physiotherapy and Exercise for Sciatica

October 10, 2023
Know More About Physiotherapy and Exercise for Sciatica

Physiotherapy and exercise are typically first-line treatments for acquiring relief from pain whilst curbing sciatica symptoms. Underlying medical conditions such as degenerated disc root compression might cause radiating symptoms, also known as sciatica. Physiotherapy for sciatica is one of the best treatment plans because it involves both passive and active therapies. Let us enhance your knowledge of physiotherapy and how it offers sciatica treatment.

What to expect from a physiotherapist treating sciatica?

Your physiotherapist will ask you questions about your sciatica and assess your medical history and lifestyle choices during your initial PT consultation. He or she might inquire as to the date that your sciatica symptoms first appeared, whether an injury or other circumstance and how active you were prior to the onset of your low back and leg discomfort.

Your physiotherapist may then have you execute a series of easy motions to test your flexibility, posture, reflexes, and range of motion. You can be instructed to flex forward at the waist, extend backward, twist at the waist, or bend side to side. The therapist also notices you moving. This portion of your exam gives your therapist a baseline evaluation of your condition and the impact sciatica has on your physical capabilities.

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica pain exercises

A structured physiotherapy programme is created for you by your physiotherapist using relevant information. Your therapy regimen may be changed to incorporate various stretches and exercises, such as nerve floss and glides for sciatic pain, as your back and leg pain lessens and becomes more tolerable.

Here are the most common sciatica pain exercises:

  • Sitting spinal stretch
  • Sitting glute stretch
  • Standing piriformis stretch
  • Scissor hamstring stretch
  • Basic seated stretch
  • Figure 4 stretch
  • Standing hamstring stretch
  • Forward pigeon poses
  • Knee to the opposite shoulder
  • Forward pigeon poses

Active exercises to relieve sciatica

Your physiotherapist makes you perform several therapeutic stretches to boost muscular strength and aid in sciatica pain treatment. The programme is tailored to your needs after discussing your concerns and your medical history.

Sciatic nerve exercises are less enticing when you have incapacitating nerve pain in your legs and lower back, as everyone with sciatica is aware. However, a good way to combat pain is with strong muscles. In actuality, if done incorrectly, some vigorous activity can cause a lot of stress on your spine. The good news is that active therapies don’t aim to exhaust you; instead, your physiotherapist will show you easy exercises to strengthen your spine and core (abdominals).

Sciatica Pain Treatment

Passive physical therapy

Physiotherapy for sciatica prepares your body for active therapies that encourage strength, flexibility, and long-term pain avoidance by gently relieving unpleasant soft tissue tension. Your particular passive PT programme may consist of:

  • Deep tissue massage:

Deep tissue massage focuses on spinal muscles and fascia in the buttocks and hips that may be pinching the sciatic nerve and/or nerves.

  • Hot and cold therapies:

The goal of this sciatica physiotherapy treatment is to increase blood flow to the area that needs more oxygen and nutrients.

  • TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation):

TENS is made possible by a device that stimulates your muscles using varying (but secure) electrical current strengths. TENS helps decrease muscle spasms and may boost your body’s endorphin production, which is a natural painkiller.


Physiotherapy is not a quick fix and may take several weeks to achieve the desired outcomes, like many other treatment choices. Your physiotherapist’s clinic visits and at-home exercise sessions will probably be part of your treatment plan for acquiring pain relief for sciatica. You should dress comfortably for your treatment sessions because physiotherapy involves both passive and active treatments. Visit Southgate Physio and hire the best physiotherapists offering a hands-on approach to physiotherapy. You can also try out acupuncture for sciatica and heal your pain in a natural way.

If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with us by calling 0208 3686767 or emailing us at

Physiotherapy Services We Offer

Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments that are all recommended and tailored to everyone who comes and visits us. Our range of treatments complements the body and mind, helping to keep you pain and injury-free, delivering preventative measures to maintain your well-being and enhance your performance levels.

Our main aim is to restore your personal well-being so you can enjoy an active, healthy, and pain-free life. Click on any of the services to find out a little more about each treatment and understand if it might be right for you.

Simply Contact Us or give one of our physiotherapists a call on 02083686767 or email us on to book a physiotherapy appointment.

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