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Neck Pain – Causes, Exercises, and Treatments

June 19, 2023
Neck Pain – Causes, Exercises, and Treatments

Modern work routines have undergone a seismic shift whilst transforming the pattern of working. It has given way to prolonged sitting, which causes hunching over the computer screen. This gives rise to uncomfortable neck pain by putting a strain on muscles and ligaments. As modern-day lifestyles undergo a fast-paced transformation, it is increasingly important to be aware of such physical concerns. In this blog, let us explore the top causes of neck pain, its relevant exercises, and treatments.

What is Neck Pain?

Neck discomfort or stiffness can be caused by any abnormality, injury, or inflammation. Many people endure occasional neck pain or stiffness, which is a result of bad posture. In addition to this, neck pain is sometimes caused by an injury from a fall or sports, and this is when you must seek neck injury treatment.

Causes of Neck Pain  

Here is the most common neck pain causes:

  • Physical Strain:
    Neck stiffness and soreness can result from overusing your neck muscles during intense activity or whilst viewing a computer screen for a prolonged period. If you experience the strain, you must seek neck stiffness treatment.
  • Aging:
    As you age, your body tends to undergo the natural process of wear and tear which leads to cervical spine problems. If the pain is felt for days and makes it uncomfortable for you to move, it is recommended that you seek neck sprain treatment.
  • Mental Stress:
    As the body experiences stress, it tightens your neck muscles. This is why it can lead to neck pain and stiffness. Most people do not realise their muscles are tight until their neck starts hurting.

Neck Pain Exercises

Exercises for Neck Pain

Here are a few neck pain exercises to relieve yourself of pain:

  1. Side-to-Side Bends:
  • Start the exercise by bending your head to the right.
  • Stay in this position for 10 seconds whilst feeling the stretch on the left side of the neck.
  • Repeat the exercise for the left side as well.
  1. Forward Neck Bends:
  • Lower your chin towards your chest.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds whilst feeling the stretch in the back of your neck.
  • Start bending your head backward and holding for another 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the set 10 times for each side.
  1. Side-to-Side Turns:
  • Turn the head in the right direction and stay for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the same on the left side as you experience the stretch.
  • Complete the set 10 times.
  1. Chin Tucks:
  • Maintain an upright posture as you slowly move your head and chin straight back. However, do not let your head and neck bend backward or forward.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds, then complete the set 20 times.

Neck Pain Treatments

Neck Pain Treatments

The goal of treatment is to reduce the pain, improve neck stability and boost neck movement. Most causes of neck discomfort improve over time and can be handled at home. Here are a few neck strain treatments as recommended below:

  • Over-the-Counter Medications: These are the most common form of neck treatment and are available in the form of muscle relaxants and painkillers.
  • Steroid Injections: An injection targeted at the nerve roots can manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Physiotherapy: A physical therapist can help you heal through neck-strengthening exercises and massages.
  • Alternate Therapies: You might be recommended acupuncture to help loosen the tightened muscles and relieve pain.


Neck pain can take a huge toll on your body and prevent you from performing daily activities. If you find yourself experiencing neck pain, you must visit Southgate Physio to seek the right treatment. A team of trained physiotherapists performs professional neck pain treatments and helps you relieve pain.

If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with us by calling 0208 3686767 or emailing us at

Physiotherapy Services We Offer

Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments that are all recommended and tailored to everyone who comes and visits us. Our range of treatments complements the body and mind, helping to keep you pain and injury-free, delivering preventative measures to maintain your well-being and enhance your performance levels.

Our main aim is to restore your personal well-being so you can enjoy an active, healthy, and pain-free life. Click on any of the services to find out a little more about each treatment and understand if it might be right for you.

Simply Contact Us or give one of our physiotherapists a call on 02083686767 or email us on to book a physiotherapy appointment.

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