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Physiotherapy for Back and Neck Pain – Is it Worth It?

December 24, 2020
Physiotherapy for Back and Neck Pain – Is it Worth It?

The days of only elders complaining of back and neck pains are gone. Today, school-going children, teenagers and working professionals are falling prey to it as well. Unfortunately, most people take the pain lightly and reach out for over-the-counter pain relievers to tackle the pain. What people forget is that medication is only a temporary solution and it cannot cure the underlying causes of the pain. Also, the long-term effects of medication can cause serious health conditions and issues. This is why more and more people are turning toward treatments like, physiotherapy, Acupuncture for back pain and neck pain.

Effectiveness of Physiotherapy for Back and Neck Pain

Physiotherapy or physical therapy is considered to be one of the easiest and most effective ways of getting rid of any stiffness or pain in the back and neck areas. The practise encompasses stretching, mobilisation, exercises, massages and various other techniques, such as acupuncture treatment in North London.

Physiotherapy for Back Pain

A physiotherapist typically comes up with a personalised treatment plan for patients experiencing any kind of pain or discomfort in the neck and back areas. After  thorough Assessment, The treatment plan takes into consideration one’s lifestyle and dietary habits. The aim of physiotherapy is not just to offer pain relief, but to treat the root cause of the problem so that reoccurrence does not happen. So, if you wish to ease your pain permanently, medication is not the solution for you. You need to tackle the main cause of the problem through physiotherapy.

Types of Physiotherapy Treatments

Physiotherapy for neck pain and back pain generally includes the following:

  • Active exercises – This refers to a combination of exercises that the physiotherapist will plan as per a patient’s specific needs. This can include different types of stretching exercises for the back and the neck, low impact aerobics and so much more. By using a combination of active exercises, a physiotherapist will rehabilitate the spine and neck area.
  • Passive physical therapy – This is to help patients reduce pain and reach an effective level of pain management. This can be achieved by using techniques of Manual therapy, acupuncture, Kinesio taping , TENS units, ultrasound, ice/heat packs.

Patients suffering from severe back or neck pains might need a more comprehensive physiotherapy treatment plan including massages, manual therapy and laser therapy. If you are experiencing excruciating lower back pain or neck pain, you can even consider the Theraflex treatment in North London, which makes use of a hand-held machine and specially-shaped treatment bed for vertebral mobilisation. This is also a good treatment in case of any spinal injuries.

Goals of Physiotherapy for Neck and Back Pains

  • Reduction of stiffness and pain
  • Development of strength in the affected areas
  • Increase in the range of motion of the back and neck area
  • Preventing of recurring pain or future injuries due to increased flexibility
  • Enhancement of one’s overall well-being and quality of life

So, do not suffer from uncomfortable aches in silence, but get physical therapy for neck pain and back pain.

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain

Physiotherapy Services We Offer

Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments that are all recommended and tailored to everyone who comes and visits us. Our range of treatments complements the body and mind, helping to keep you pain and injury-free, delivering preventative measures to maintain your well-being and enhance your performance levels.

Our main aim is to restore your personal well-being so you can enjoy an active, healthy, and pain-free life. Click on any of the services to find out a little more about each treatment and understand if it might be right for you.

Simply Contact Us or give one of our physiotherapists a call on 02083686767 or email us on to book a physiotherapy appointment.

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