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Managing Achilles Rupture – From Diagnosis to Recovery

August 28, 2024
Managing Achilles Rupture – From Diagnosis to Recovery

Achilles tendon ruptures are debilitating injuries that can significantly impact mobility and quality of life. From the moment of diagnosis to the journey of recovery, individuals facing an Achilles rupture may experience a range of emotions and challenges. This blog post will discuss how to diagnose and treat an Achilles rupture, providing advice on available treatments, effective rehabilitation techniques, and the route to full recovery.

Activities requiring abrupt, powerful movements or severe tension on the tendon are common causes of Achilles tendon ruptures. A combination of clinical assessment, physical examination, and imaging investigations, such ultrasound or MRI, are frequently used in the diagnosis of Achilles ruptures in order to confirm the extent of the injury.


Activities requiring abrupt, powerful movements or severe tension on the tendon are common causes of Achilles tendon ruptures. A combination of clinical assessment, physical examination, and imaging investigations, such as diagnostic ultrasound or MRI, are frequently used in the diagnosis of Achilles ruptures in order to confirm the extent of the injury. Symptoms may include a sudden sharp pain in the back of the ankle, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or standing on tiptoe.

Options for Treatment

After an Achilles rupture is identified, the course of treatment is determined by a number of variables, such as the extent of the injury, the patient’s degree of activity, and their general health. Possible course of treatment options include:

Non-Surgical Management

Conservative measures include immobilisation in a walking boot or cast, rest, ice, and compression therapy are effective treatments for partial tears or less severe ruptures.

Surgical Intervention

To restore the integrity and function of the tendon, surgery may be required in cases of total Achilles ruptures or large tears. During surgery, the torn ends of the tendon are usually sutured together or reinforced with grafts.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

Following an Achilles rupture, rehabilitation is an essential part of the healing process, no matter which treatment strategy is used. Among the objectives of rehabilitation are:

Protecting the Healing Tendon

Initially, the focus is on protecting the healing tendon and preventing re-injury. This may involve immobilisation in a cast or walking boot and avoiding weight-bearing activities.

Restoring Strength and Range of Motion

To avoid stiffness and muscular atrophy, mild strengthening and range-of-motion activities are incorporated as the healing process advances. In order to help patients complete these exercises with optimal technique and progression, physical therapy is essential.

Gradual Return to Activity

Following adequate healing, a programme for a gradual return to activity is started, with low-impact activities serving as the foundation and progressively increasing in time and intensity. In order to reduce the danger of re-injury, close supervision and professional guidance from healthcare providers are crucial throughout this phase.

Rehab also aims to treat any functional restrictions or biomechanical deficiencies, such as imbalances in the muscles or abnormalities in gait, that may have led to the initial injury.

In conclusion, thorough rehabilitation, perseverance, and dedication are necessary for recovering from Achilles rupture. People who have an Achilles rupture can gain from professional advice, assistance, and individualised care from the time of diagnosis all the way through the course of therapy and recuperation. If you’re dealing with an Achilles rupture, don’t hesitate to seek professional help at Southgate Physio and embark on the path to full recovery.

If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with us by calling 0208 3686767 or emailing us at

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